New hunting times for red deer in Norway (2012-03-13)From this year (2012) it is possible to hunt for red deer from september 1. to december 23.
The extended hunting season will provide increased flexibility for our guests, and also for ourselves as we will be able to manage our hunting areas in the best possible ways.
More information can be found at the web page of the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management (currently only in norwegian).
Extended hunting season until december 6th. (2010-10-28)
The general hunting season for red deer in our areas is september 10. to november 15. We have just gotten permission from the municipal for extending this unitl december 6. in some of our core areas near Åkrafjorden. The extension is given for this year and 2011, and means that we can offer hunting in areas where there normally is a lot of deer during the winter season. Late hunting may also give the opportunity for snow and exciting track-hunting. Hunters that are interested in this for the 2010 season should contact us as soon as possible.
Article about us in BT-Magasinet (2010-09-25)
There was an extensive (8-pages) article about us in Magasinet on saturday september 25. Magasinet (The Magazine) is an annex to Bergens Tidende (the largest daily newspaper in the western part of Norway). The article is available here (norwegian only): BT Magasinet 2010-09-25 (pdf document).
Big buck (2010-09-25)
This hunting season, one of our hunters had the experience of a lifetime when he shot a big buck with a 16 pointed antler.
New hunting areas near Rosendal (2010-09-10)
We are really looking forward to exploring a new area near Rosendal that we have gained access to. We have been recognizing in the area this summer, and have seen a lot of red deer! This might be an exciting experience for vigorous hunters.
Kvinnherad – The no. 1 red deer municipal of Norway? (2009-12-17)In Kvinnherad, 1180 red deer out of a quota of 1360 animals were harvested during the hunting season of 2009. Read more in Kvinnheringen (Norwegian).